The Biological Physics Laboratory (in Portuguese: Laboratório de Física Biológica – LFB) of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) started its activities in 2009 in the Physics Department, with the goal to promote the multidisciplinar investigation of biologically motivated problems. We currently use several experimental techniques, including single molecule approaches with optical and magnetic tweezers as well as many types of microscopies and spectroscopies.
The group is composed by both experimental and theoretical researchers with different backgrounds, including three physicists (two experimental physicists and a theoretical physicist), a molecular biophysicist and a biologist, sharing knowledge and different visions of the studied problems.
In addition to conducting research on different lines, some general goals of our group are:
a) To expand the research on Biological Physics in Brazil, integrating experimental and theoretical approaches.
b) To strength the framework of research and graduate education in the Physics Department of UFV.
c) To promote inter- and intra-institutional multidisciplinary research on biologically motivated problems.
d) To promote interdisciplinary background for graduate and undergraduate students.
New book released by Elsevier!
30 de March de 2023
9 de September de 2022
The group is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
2 de September de 2020
Book “Interações DNA-ligantes: uma introdução”
2 de September de 2020